Routine vaccination and deworming are as important as daily feeding, brushing and farrier care. Immunizing horses against the common diseases of the area can help prevent devastating and costly illness.
- Tetanus Toxoid
- Equine Rhinopneumonitis/Equine Herpes Virus
- Equine Influenza
- West Nile Virus
- Rabies
- Equine Encephalitis
Typical vaccination protocols recommended by the AAEP (American Association or Equine Practitioner’s) are as follows and should be tailored to your specific area, horses and disease threat.
Spring (March – May)
- 4-way (Eastern, Western Encephalitis, Influenza & Tetanus Toxoid)
- 5-way depending on farm management protocol – (Eastern, Western Encephalitis, Influenza, Tetanus Toxoid and Rhinopneumonitis)
- West Nile
- Rabies (yearly depending of risk of exposure)
Fall (September – November)
- Influenza/Rhinopneumonitis
Optional Vaccinations
- Intranasal Strep. equi (strangles)
- Intranasal Influenza
- Additional vaccine protocols are available for pregnant mares, foals and older horses.
Internal parasites such as the round worm, tapeworm, whip worm and pin worm can cause weight loss, colic, poor hair coat, exercise intolerance and inability to digest feed efficiently. Many dewormers are available on the market making it confusing to choose the correct product for the specific time of year and parasite load. The latest studies have shown resistance to the common dewormers due to misuse, thus a strategic rotating deworming program can be tailored to your specific needs. Fecal egg counts are a fast lab analysis used to determine individual parasite load are a helpful tool in determining your correct deworming program.